What a Beautiful Weekend!

The weather this weekend was beautiful. It just made us want to get outside and play! And there's always a fun playground nearby!

Rachel climbed to the top of this tall slide with Daddy close behind, just in case. She got to the top and then realized how high up she was and wouldn't go down the slide.

Of course, the boy is fearless...monkey bars, climbing walls, and fire poles are no match for him.

And jumping off the equipment is always fun too!

Rachel attempted to copy big brother and climb the climbing wall. She held onto a piece of the wall but that's as far as she got.

Being so low to the ground, Rachel finds all kinds of little tiny things that we would never see. Fortunately she likes to give these to us and not put them in her mouth!

While Nicholas was off playing with some other kids on the playground, Rachel and I spent some time collecting acorns.

Of course, leave it to one of my children to find the one little muddy spot and then laugh as she bounces up and down to hear the mud go "Squish" under her feet!

We hope you got outside and enjoyed some Mother Nature this weekend too.

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