The first thing they saw were their stockings.
Rachel dumped her stocking out and started going through it but Nicholas spied the tree and forgot all about his stocking.
He was so excited to find a Leatherman multi-tool under the tree for him. He has been wanting one of these for several years.
Rachel got the Baby Alive doll she asked for in her letter to Santa.
Next time Santa needs to be more careful though. He left a messy sooty footprint on the hearth!
Rachel couldn't wait to change her new baby's diaper! She gave it a drink of water in its bottle.
And sure enough, it drained right through the doll into the diaper. Grandmother was ready with paper towels to help clean her up.
While Rachel was making a mess playing with her new doll, Nicholas was checking out his new night vision goggles!
A little bit more time to play then it is time to get ready to head over to my family's Christmas celebration.