We learned about life during the turn of the century at the Heritage Farmstead Museum. The property was owned by the Farrell family and the main farmhouse was built in 1891. It was a real working farm but much has been preserved and serves as a wonderful museum hidden away in downtown Plano.
We went with a Plano homeschool group, PEACH (Plano Educational Association of Christian Homeschoolers).
They had quite a good turn out so our big group was divided up into several smaller groups with different docents.
Nicholas made sure they were in a group with his good friend.
Ms. Michelle was our tour guide. She taught us that corn that chickens and other fowl eat is very different than the corn grown for human consumption.
Rachel milled some corn. It was a little bit hard for her to turn the wheel but she was determined and finally got the hang of it.
Then she fed her corn to some guinea fowl and turkeys.
Nicholas milled some corn too and fed his to the chickens.
Just hanging out with his buddy.
Next we got to tour inside the Farrell house. The Victorian style house was built in 1891 and was considered very exquisite back in the day. As Ms. Michelle was telling us about the house, she said that the original property was 300 acres but now only 3 acres remain. Rachel perked up and decided to inform the group, "I'm three years old!" She loves the number 3!
The tour inside the house was really interesting. We saw old toys, furniture, appliances that were used at the turn of the century. Afterwards we went back outside where Ms. Michelle taught us about the way laundry was done in the old days.
I love this old washboard. I've had my eye out for one that looks really old and preferably from somewhere in the South like Louisiana or Mississippi. Let me know if you happen to stumble across one!
Nicholas took a turn at washing on the washboard.
Then he hung his wash on the clothes line. I think this is the first time my children have seen a clothes line!
Rachel was very thorough with her washing. She held the bar of soap and scrubbed it on her laundry. She then scrubbed her cloth on the washboard. She was really cute to watch.
We saw some goats. This one was very eager to tell us "Hi".
We met Buttermilk, a cow statue that randomly moos and has working udders.
Rachel loved milking the water out of Buttermilk. I really had to encourage her to move along so that others could have a turn.
There were several interactive educational facts to study.
This was a real calf that died of natural causes and the farmstead brought it to a taxidermist for preservation. Such a sweet looking baby.
Rachel enjoyed trying to give it a bottle...in it's nostril.
Next we visited the old one room school house.
Each child sat at a desk and each desk had a unique item from the past. Rachel discovered an old iron curling iron for hairstyling.
Nicholas was excited to have sat down at the desk that had the old camera at it.
Of course, it was a highlight of the trip to ring the old school bell!
We played hopscotch in the old pole barn.
Visited the creek.
Rachel explored a wikiup.
Before we left, we watched Ms. Michelle feed a sheep while the rest of the flock got scared and started to run. I've never seen a sheep run!
The Heritage Farmstead Museum is located at 1900 West 15th Street, Plano, Texas 75075. They are open Tuesday - Sunday. The grounds are open from 10:00 am till 4:30 pm. Docent Guided Tours are available Tuesday - Sunday: Tour at 1:30 p.m. or by appointment for groups. This includes tours of the Farrell-Wilson House, Outbuildings, and Grounds. The Heritage Farmstead Museum is closed on Mondays. Self-guided grounds tours are $2.00, guided tours are $5.00 for adults, or $3.50 for students and seniors. Museum members and children 4 and under are free. For more information, please call or visit the Heritage Farmstead Museum website. You can also follow Heritage Farmstead on Facebook.
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