Hockey Skating Class

Nicholas has been very active in Ice Skating since last Christmas. He finished up his basic ice skating lessons in early Spring. In the late Spring/early Summer he took a Kids First Hockey class at the Dr. Pepper Stars Center in Farmers Branch. This is a free class that meets once a week and teaches some basics of ice skating for Hockey. They even provide some of the equipment for free!

The coach is really great with kids. He's tough but fun. He is amazingly good on the ice too. He has taught a lot of students but his most famous is probably the Olympic gold medal figure skater, Scott Hamilton!

It's a tough class and Nicholas falls a lot. But he's well padded with his gear on and he just keeps getting back up and trying again. I'm really proud of him because he doesn't give up.

Nicholas did well in the class and learned a lot about basic skating skills as well as handling a puck on the ice.

Usually Stuart takes Nicholas to Hockey lessons so the two of them can use the rink after class during open public skate times. Nicholas has fun just skating around.

He also has fun meeting other skaters. He makes instant friends sometimes and spends an hour skating around with someone he just met.

After the Kids First Hockey class, we signed him up for Hockey 101. It's another once a week class that meets for 45 minutes. It teaches more about hockey skating and the class has had a few scrimmages with each other which has been fun to watch.

Nicholas continues to learn new things. Here he is trying to switch from forward skating to backwards skating while moving. Tough to do but he keeps working on it.

He just finished up his last Hockey class today. There really isn't another class that he can go into at this particular rink. We might get him a few one-on-one classes with an individual coach to fine tune some of his skills but then the next step would involve getting into a Hockey League where everything starts getting more serious. He would be in the "Mite" league with a 24 week season including practice 2 nights a week and regular games.

Add this to his once a week swimming, twice a week karate, and once a week Cub Scouts and he will have quite a busy schedule in the evenings. I hate to make him drop an activity that he enjoys but then again I don't want him to be too over scheduled. He needs down time. And so does the Mommy Taxi Service!

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