What an awesome morning! I joined about 15 other blogger ladies at the spa at the Four Seasons Resort and Club. It was a very special treat provided by our hosts from Scrubbing Bubbles. What does Scrubbing Bubbles and a spa have in common?
Well, Scrubbing Bubbles realizes how hectic a mom's morning routine can be from dragging herself out of bed, running around the house looking for her hair brush that the toddler has towed off somewhere, getting the older child up and out of bed without getting grumbled at, getting the toddler up and changed while she throws a fit because she is not allowed to squirt lotion all over the place like she wants to, going back to the older child's room expecting him to be dressed and ready for school and instead finding him playing but still in his pjs, feeding everyone breakfast when no one wants the same thing, making lunch, and trying to have the house looking somewhat decent before you leave for the day. Whew! And it's not even 8:00 am yet! Scrubbing Bubbles took pity on us moms and gave us a morning of relaxation at the spa while they taught us a few tips and tricks for minimizing the morning madness. Particularly, they showed us how the new Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer can help me get my mornings off to the right start. But more about that later. Let's get to the pampering part!
We were greeted with a nice breakfast of fresh fruit, bagels, pastries, coffee, juice, and tea while we mingled and met the other ladies. Some of the ladies I am already friends with, some I "knew" just from following their blogs so it was neat to actually get to meet them in person, while there were other ladies there that I met for the first time. They are all a great group of ladies and I enjoyed meeting and chatting with all of them.
When it was time for my first appointment, a nice lady called me back to the spa. Ahhh, the spa! Any tension I had is already starting to melt away!
I first got a massage from Tina. Oh, it was so relaxing that I almost fell asleep.
I think everyone should have a massage once a day. Just think how happy everyone would be! Is that not the beginning to the solution of world peace? Massages = World Peace. Maybe?
Between spa services, we got to just hang out together in our fancy white robes until it was time for our next appointment. Some found quiet spots next to the waterfall wall to just relax while others mingled with new friends talking about kids, blogging, etc.
What a nice place to lounge by the jacuzzi or step into the sauna or steam room. It was all available for us to use. I could have stayed there all day!
For my next service, I had a manicure by nail technician Rosalba Renderos. She had me first choose the color nail polish I wanted. So many choices!
It has been far too long since I've had a nice manicure like this. Rosalba was just great. She gave me the tropical manicure with a grapefruit scrub on my hands which made them so soft. She painted my nails and talked to me about how to achieve a good manicure at home. A few things she recommended...always use a base coat to protect your nail bed and help the polish adhere and always use a top coat to seal and protect your polish.
After everyone had received their royal treatments in the spa, Holly told us about the new SC Johnson product, Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer,
This new product is pretty cool. It actively cleans for days to keep bathroom surfaces cleaner, longer. Not only does it cut through soap scum and grime on your sink, showers, tubs, tile and chrome but it also keeps them cleaner for up to four days. So I can clean today but tomorrow there will be another glop of toothpase in the bathroom sink. Instead of having to chisel it off to remove it, the Scrubbing Bubbles that I used yesterday will help it to just slide right down the drain. What’s more, Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer’s innovative battery-operated power sprayer provides a continuous spray of cleaner for better coverage without having to repeatedly pull the trigger.
It is so easy to use. You just flip the switch to the unlocked position, squeeze the trigger for continuous spray holding it about 8-12 inches from the surface, and wipe clean. No scrubbing needed. If you've got a really tough problem you may want to let the little guys do their magic for a few minutes before wiping clean.
We were excited to find out that we were each getting a gift basket with all sorts of wonderful goodies in it. There was a mug and coffee from Starbucks, a really cool waterproof notepad that suctions to the wall in your shower so you can write down those brilliant ideas that only come in the shower, an alarm clock, and of course our own Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer.
I know I speak for the other ladies at this awesome event when I say THANK YOU to Scrubbing Bubbles for this wonderfully relaxing morning and for showing us how to minimize the morning madness!
I promised myself that I wasn't going to let my fancy manicure get messed up so when I got home I quickly announced that I was off duty in the housekeeping department for at least a week so my polish wouldn't get chipped. Crafty husband that he is, Stuart pointed out that I didn't have to actually do any scrubbing with the Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer. Of course he was right. And since I absolutely love to try new things, I had to try it out right away. Yes, really I did. New manicure and all.
I must say that I really do like this product! My favorite thing is the new continuous trigger. It is just wonderful. Why don't all spray bottles have a continuous trigger? No more pumping the trigger 20 times in order to cover the shower walls with the product. It's great. And any cleaning product that does the scrubbing for me so I don't have to is a must-have in my book! I mean, look at these cute little guys. They are really working hard while I'm just sitting here typing.

Would you like to try the new Scrubbing Bubbles Extend-A-Clean Power Sprayer? How about if it is included in a gift basket with other goodies like the one I received?

To win this gift basket, just leave a comment about your craziest morning madness moment and your email address so I can get back in touch with you if you win.
Want to get extra entries in the drawing?
Post this giveaway on Twitter or Facebook and leave me a comment letting me know that you did. You can post to Twitter and Facebook once a day and just leave me a comment each time you do because each comment will count as an entry. But PLEASE leave your email address or some way to contact you in case you win. The winner will be chosen by random selection on Friday, May 7th.
Legal stuff: This product is being given to the winner by Scrubbing Bubbles free of charge in exchange for Savor The Days hosting this giveaway. I was given free product to try but never asked to write a review or say anything about the product. The opinions stated here are my own and not influenced in any way.
Looks like you had a good time! I'd love to try the new scrubbing bubbles product.
My craziest morning moment is ALWAYS centered around shoes! I am the worst at keeping up with things, & my boy's shoes seem to always find their way into strange places. Once, I even tore the car apart looking for a missing Croc, and Hubby found it in the car later that day. How did that happen??
ReplyDeleteI am going to have to say that my craziest morning moment was catching my then 2 year old son peeing on a tire of our mini van while I was trying to get the girls loaded and on our way. Sigh - so crazy. Looks like you guys had a GREAT time! I would love to win!
My craziest morning madness happens about once a week when i realize that my alarm didn't go off and I didn't wake my 11 year old and it is 7:45 and I have to have her out of the house by 8:00 to get her to school. Plus I have to wake the other three kids and get them and myself ready in 15 minutes. You would think that since it happens about once every ten days I would do something about it but I don't. I guess it keeps life exciting.
My craziest morning madness was when we were all late and trying to get everything done at the same time. I got so stressed that when I arrived at work I realized that I still had my slippers on.
ReplyDeletejanetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My craziest day- wake up late because my alarm didn't go off at 7 and now it's 7:30, find that my 22 month old daughter got out of her bedroom and up earlier then us all and got into the pantry- cereal all over the floor, the garbage under the sink all over the kitchen floor and soap from under the sink poured all over the kitchen floor- can't get the girls out of bed for school have to physically pick them up out of bed (they are only 6 and 5) quickly get dressed feed them and grab their stuff trying to ignore the mess the other child has made while I concentrate on getting to the bus on time. (Yes this has actually happened to me!)
My craziest morning was probably having my husband wake me up at 4 to cut his hair before work (military man), finding out at 6 that the car wouldn't start, and having to jog the 12 miles with my two boys in the stroller to get them to their appointments!
Oh, must I limit it to one moment? Probably when I was already late to teach at church, and just as I stepped out the door, I realized my baby had exploded poop all over my dress. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteI tweeted!
ReplyDeleteCraziest morning moment was trying to get one boy to school but he wouldn't get out of bed. The other boy, my baby, who had managed to get his diaper off without me knowing, peed on older brother's floor. We were already running late. mamaQ354@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteMy craziest morning was when my granddaughter was here~she got up and wanted to go shopping.So I told her that we would go after she ate breakfast and at that time I was looking for the car keys.Well~she did that and was done and I still have not found the car keys..I found them in the ignition of the car! Good thing I park in garage :-)
My morning madness always centers around trying to get my workday started. Today is pretty normal...in a hurry and exploded hazelnut latte oatmeal all over the work microwave. Yeesh!!!
ReplyDeleteThat would be when I used to work. I got up at 4am left by 5am, called from work at 6am to get everyone else up to start their day & then I had time for a quick cafeteria breakfast 7 start work at 6:30 sharp. I didn't drive so I had to tag along that early to catch a ride it was tiring.
ReplyDeleteI subscribe by rss google reader & I hope that counts for added entry as I don't do FB or Twitter much. bgary18ATsbcglobal.net
ReplyDeleteMy craziest morning moment was as I was heading out to meet someone, I quickly stopped at the gas station to grab a water when the nice man behind the counter kindly told me I was wearing my slippers!
my craziest morning moment was when i woke up and could not find my 2 year old anywhere, only to discover he was sleeping UNDER my bed.
My craziest morning madness moment was when I showed up to work on my day off, after rushing there thinking I was going to be late!
ReplyDeletesix_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My craziest morning moments always seem to be centered around my 3 year old daughter. Just the other day she decided she was going to 'get ready' and put some make up on too- she wanted to be 'just like mommy'. Of course these things always happen on days that you are in a hurry to get out the door!
Emily B.
Sigh* every morning is crazy around here.. I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old so between breakfast, bottles and baths its all I can do to get my teeth brushed.
I think it was just last week, when I arrived at work and got a mouthful of hot water, then realized I forgot to put the tea bag in my travel mug before I filled it up from the kettle and left the house!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
My craziest morning moment was when my dog got sprayed by a skunk just as we were all getting ready for work and school. That smell locked onto all of us all day long!
ReplyDeleteMy craziest morning moment would have to be when all the electricity went out and so my alarm didn't go off, couldn't take a shower, no breakfast, just horrible.
ReplyDeletesturberry @ gmail.com
my craziest morning...hmmm...yesterday...!!! my mother suddenly came to my apartment and the previous day i had a crazy party at my place...so everything was messy and dirty...!!!she saw all that mess and told me lets go for a walk, coffee and shopping and then i want that appartment clean as always!!!!! I had the most beautiful mother-daughter day..!!!!
The other day I was finally out the door when the dog starts throwing up! Ugh!
I would have to say that my craziest early morning moment would be to see that My son had snuck out of bed before everyone else..(what did I find?) Left over pizza all over the floor, pizza sauce in my daughter's hair, and a half gallon of milk dumped inside my fridge) & oh-yeah did I mention (red permanent marker on the wall)? Kids, gotta love em, but their a handful...
My craziest morning madness was after the blizzard this February. I purposely left a little early for class (it's usually a 10 minute drive). However, that drive ended up taking over an hour because of all the post-snow traffic and removal! I got so nervous as each minute went by.
My craziest morning moment is when ever I wake up with ten minutes left before class starts... I wake up, freak out, and hop in the shower, usually to find out that my clock was wrong and it's actually four in the rnorning. :)
My craziest morning madness came the morning of a day my third grade class was going on a walking field trip of our small town of Buda, Texas (we were learning about communities, and our town being so old and historic, there are lots of cool buildings and stories to tell about how our community started). Anyway, I was halfway to school when I realized I had left my straightening iron on. So, I turn around and speed back to my apartment, and I parked outside the complex to run in instead of driving my car all the way around to the main entrance to go park at my apartment. So, I take off running from my car, go through the gates, and, being 6:30 in the morning, it's pitch black so I can't see the median that's in the parking lot so I trip over it as I'm sprinting towards my building, skid on the concrete and bust up my hip, my shin (think: ankle to knee), my elbow and my cheek. I've got too much adrenaline running through me to care, though, so I just pick myself up and run upstairs, realize the straightener wasn't even ON, then have to turn around and high tail it to my school. Only once I get into my classroom and my third graders start coming in to I realize what a bloody mess I am. The other teachers sent me to the nurse to get cleaned up and bandaged while they watched my class, and then: we field tripped. Hard to walk around town when you've got a scraped up knee and shin that are throbbing like crazy! I still have scars on my hip, knee and shin from where I fell (which was nearly a year ago now), so I will have a constant reminder of what it is to be in a crazy morning rush for the rest of my life!!
Oh gosh, I don't know a crazy madness moment. I guess when I was in high school, my sister in law woke me up late (she was bringing me to school) so I had to hurry and rush...she had to write a late note for me in the end anyway.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
This morning was pretty crazy, it was "Muffins for Moms" at my son's school, and I forgot we would actually have to be an hour early until about 4 minutes before we were supposed to be there, and he was still asleep! Fastest morning ever!
ReplyDeletewinronmic at gmail dot com
My craziest morning moments always seem to center around the closet doors. One closet, two people, sliding doors....who gets to have their side open and who works from within the closet hoping the other person isn't in the way during entry and exit times.
ReplyDeletealuttrell at cox dot net
Hi! My craziest moment was trying to get to the store that I work at 6:45 in the morning to recieve a truck by myself. Then be by myself until 10:00 am when a cashier comes in for her shift. Very crazy working at my store! LOL
My craziest morning? I suppose it would be the time I got dressed, grabbed my backpack, ran out the door, and made it all the way to the bus stop with my eyes closed (because I'm one of those Squint Against the Morning people) only to realize, as the bus drove up, and I opened my eyes, that I had in fact NOT PUT ON MY GLASSES. Without which I am legally blind.
ReplyDeleteOoohoh yeah, that was a *fun* day at school and work.
Okay here goes: My craziest madness morning was the day the garage door broke. And by "broke" I don't mean cracked or simply wouldn't open. I mean the spring that was part of its lifting mechanism snapped mid-rise with a gunshot-like crack! As it swung back into place it hit the top of my minivan, gauging a nice gash along the top. After calming our racing hearts, neither me or my two daughter could lift the heavy wooden door more than an inch or two off the ground (my husband was at work already). With my van trapped inside, I decided to try to use my other car (which was 20+ years old and sitting in the driveway unused for months). After a scramble to find the keys, we tried over and over to get it to start but no luck. To top it off, while sitting inside one of my daughters noticed thin spider webs glistening on most of the windows. I HATE spiders and sure enough, a big fat black one was sitting on the dashboard...it must have made its home in the car after all the months of no use! Needless to say I gave up on that car as an option pretty quickly! My daughters' high school and my bus stop were just barely in walking distance and the poor things had to lug with them their backpacks with text books and their gym bags while I carried my old laptop in my purse. After a few blocks it felt like it was made of bricks. I dashed to the bus stop just in time as a bus was pulling up, but managed to smash my toes onto the base of a construction scaffolding set up around a building by the stop. When I got on board the driver teasingly said "Don't think I didn't see that one." I replied, "After my morning, I don't even have the energy to feel embarrassed!"
ReplyDeletewhat a day that was! haha
thanks for reading!
i've tweeted as well
My craziest morning was just the other day when I woke up an hour late, my dog got out of the yard and ran off after a rabbit, and when I went to leave for work I had a flat tire. Agh!
My craziest morning madness moment was when I was rushing out of the door one morning to go to work and realized I had on two different shoes. Thank goodness I noticed before I left my driveway.
The craziest morning BY FAR has to go like this (and it has): I give my little ones baths at night cause its just easier to get up and start your day. Well, my daughter thought otherwise. She woke up and decided to poop in her diaper then rip it off and get it all over her bed and carpet. (OH MY GOD!). So Gotta get her bed stripped and in the washer and put her in the tub, hose her down then give her another bath. While my son is running around asking for everything under the sun. Finally get everyone dressed and ready to rock and eat and look at the clock... a half an hour late!! EEEEKKK! Then there's the shoe battle.. I swear someone must go around the house hiding shoes at night. LOL
My craziest morning moment was when the kids were little. I was taking them to school, running late of course, and ran out of gas. It went downhill from there!
ReplyDeletewhen i was in college i went to my calculous class and I didn't realize we were having an exam that day! I didn't even bring a calculator with me. I RAN back to my dorm room to get it but in the process i spilled the hot chocolate sitting on my desk on my sky blue carpet. I got to my test late. I still get tense thinking about that day!
ReplyDeleteusually sunday is the craziest morning at our house
Trying to wake up my little sister when we have to be somewhere at an exact time and it is just when she decides she CANNOT wake up. :D Haa Haa
My craziest morning moment was in college when I was locked out of my room after coming back from the shower. I had to wait for someone in maintenance to come and let me in while I was in my towel.
My morning moments are ALWAYS crazy, but I don't have any that stand out, of course. I always hate it when I have a meeting in the morning and it's of course the time when NOTHING goes right and I end up being late.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
My mornings are always crazy, but today I was especially wonky. I was signing my name wrong at the bank, calling people by the wrong names and overpaying for things. Something HAD to have been in my milk this morning---right? LOL
every monrning gives me crazy head! my kids come wake me up at about 6:30 every morning!