Nicholas got to ride on a jet ski for the first time ever. They went really fast and really far out into the lake (Mommy was a little worried). But Nicholas loved it and had so much fun. He even got to steer it!
Then they hooked up this inflatable and the boys got towed around the lake by the jet ski. What fun!
I was worried about how Rachel would do out in the sun for so long but she did great. She enjoyed playing with a shell and terrorizing a ladybug.
Thank you Mrs. Heather for convincing me to take the jet ski out for a ride and for watching Rachel for me. I haven't driven a jet ski in years and it was such a rush!
Nicholas had such a great time that he didn't want to leave. No, really. He wouldn't leave. I had to call his name many, many times in my "You-are-about-to-get-in-trouble" Mommy voice but he finally got out of the water. That little fish!
We stopped at Sonic on the way home and got slushes. We all got cleaned up and took long naps. Then we were up again and headed out to Grapevine Lake with the Mundts and their three girls for a ride on their boat, Pepperspray.

We brought along some Quizno's subs and had dinner on the boat. What a nice way to have dinner - at sunset on the lake with friends. Nicholas brought his camera and took tons of pictures.

After dinner, we broke out some water guns and squirted each other to cool off.

Even Rachel had a good time feeling the water splash and the wind on her face.

It's was a wonderfully fun day - made great by spending it with dear friends.

We had a great time with you guys & I can't BELIEVE you were up for another lake that night! We were sooooo tired!!! :)