NatureGlo's eScience: MathArt Online 4-Class Bundle Review

Recently the members of the Homeschool Review Crew were given the opportunity to review a new online learning program from NatureGlo's eScience that combines both math and art.  The course that we reviewed is called MathArt Online 4-Class Bundle.

MathArt Online

All of the courses are taught by Gloria Brooks who has a bachelor degree in K-12 education.  She is very knowledgeable about math and science and you can truly feel her passion as you look over her website and watch her courses.  

The four classes incorporated in this MathArt 4-Class Bundle include:

  • Math Connections with the Real World: The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
  • MathArt in Ancient Cultures
  • MathArt in the Arts and Sciences
  • MathArt - Patterns in Nature

I love Fibonacci Numbers so we began with Math Connections with the Real World.

Math Connections with the Real World is a 6-week course.  The lesson plans are summarized below.
  • Week 1 - Introduction and History of the Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
  • Week 2 - The Golden Number and Fibonacci in Art, Architecture, and Nature
  • Week 3 - Fibonacci Numbers - Flower Petals, Seed Heads, and More!
  • Week 4 - History and Golden Ratio of the Great Pyramid of Egypt
  • Week 5 - Quasicrystals and the Golden Ratio
  • Week 6 - The Mathematics of Music
For each week's lesson, there are beautifully illustrated slides that your student can look through online. I chose to print the slides and put them in binders so each of my children would have their own copy to flip through as we watched the videos and they could take notes on them as needed.

There is also a study guide for each week's lesson that reviews points covered in the lesson.  The student can use it to take notes as they watch the video or they can use it as a study tool to prepare for the quiz at the end of each lesson.

The course website also has third party resources for each week's lessons which include informational text, videos, fun Quizlet matching games, and even instructions for making Fibonacci cookies!   There is truly a wealth of information there.

The four individual classes are $149 each for one year access.  But if you want all four classes you will save money on the bundle for just a single payment of $536.40.  This allows for one year access to all of the course materials and can be used by multiple students in the same household.

Our schedule did not allow us to participate in the live class but each class is recorded so they can be viewed on your own schedule.  I am very grateful for this feature.  We watched the first three weeks of lessons but my children found the recorded online classes to be slow and frustrating at times so we did not continue.  They said it was distracting to have to listen to other kids slowly reading aloud the information on a slide or watching them use a drawing program to drawing boxes around the slide pictures for emphasis.  They would have preferred to simply have the teacher teaching the information to them rather than overhearing an online class that they aren't participating in.  They preferred to use the slides and website for the remainder of the course.

If you would like more information about these online classes, please check out NatureGlo eScience on the following platforms:

If you would like to read other Homeschool Review Crew members' reviews about the MathArt Online 4-Class Bundle, please click on the banner below:

MathArt Online 4-Class Bundle {NatureGlo's eScience Reviews}

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