We had a fun time at birthday party for one of Nicholas' friends. It was at her house and there was a full-on carnival theme complete with bounce house, ticket booth, carnival games, popcorn, and even cotton candy.
Each child got tickets when they arrived and they could use their tickets to play the carnival games or buying prizes. Nicholas used some tickets for the fun prizes and candy...
Then he used some tickets to throw cream pies at the birthday girl's Daddy. What a good sport :)
And he used tickets to get a skull painted on his hand...
There was a contest to guess how many lollipops were in the jar. Nicholas has a good concept of the numbers 1 to 100 but then it all gets kind of crazy. He guessed that there were "twenty-ninety thousand" lollipops in this jar.
There was even a fire truck that showed up for the festivities. Nicholas got to pretend to drive!
Each child at the party got a big bag of cotton candy to take home (of course, it was to take home! What mom would want 30 kids running around their house with sticky cotton candy fingers!) Nicholas ate most of his bag but couldn't finish it. With all the rain and humidity here we knew it wouldn't likely be any good if we tried to save it. He was fascinated with how quickly cotton candy dissolves in his mouth. So Stuart got a bowl of water for him and let him play with the leftover cotton candy.
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