The giveaway was for a $35 credit towards a cute Etsy store, Spell It With Style. I love the handcrafted items that owner, Brook Durham, makes. Their featured items are custom upholstered name or initial plaques to hang on your wall. I've seen expensive home decor catalogs that show a child's name on their nursery room wall and I fell in love with that personalized touch. However, I never wanted to spend the kind of money that they wanted nor did I have the time to try to craft something like that myself. But with Spell It With Style, not only are their prices reasonable but you can custom order the fabric colors and patterns and even the font of the letters for your wall plaque.
The package was shipped just a few days after I ordered it. We were excited to find it at our door when we came home from running errands.
I was giddy as I opened the box. I couldn't wait to see the cute items I had ordered. I expected to dig through some packing material and see my items just lying there in the box. But I was so pleasantly surprised to see how wonderfully packaged they were. Brook gives her products that extra touch by individually wrapping them in tissue paper and ribbon. Don't they look cute?!
Of course, I still couldn't wait to rip into them to see my goodies in person. I actually let Rachel have the honor of opening them up but I'm sure I was more excited about it than she was.
Here is the name plaque I got for Rachel's room.
Her room is pale pink, pale green, and pale yellow. There is a patchwork quilt of these colors hanging on one wall so I thought this pink madras fabric went well with the room but had enough variety to it that it would go with most colors that we might use when we redecorate in a few years for a big girl's room.
I just LOVE how it looks in her room over her crib!
I also ordered this little shabby chic chalkboard for the kitchen. I've thought of getting a little chalkboard or whiteboard from Office Depot for Stuart and I to leave reminders for each other or for a place to write a "to do" list. But this chalkboard is the most stylish one I've seen...
But instead of using it for my intended purpose, Nicholas has written a sweet message about our family on it so now I can't wipe it clean. I like it's current use even better.
I really love the products at Spell It With Style. I'm considering repainting Nicholas' room and once we decide on a color scheme, I'll definitely order a name plaque for him too. I also like the idea of using a neutral fabric background with the word "Welcome" on it to hang in the foyer or you could even put your family surname on it and hang it in the living room. So many fun ideas and Spell It With Style offers so many wonderfully creative ways to display them. Check them out at
P.S. - I was not asked to write a review for this product. I simply love it so much that I wanted to share it here because it's such a fun way to add that finishing touch to your home decor.
awwww kim...thank you so much for writing such kind words! I am so blessed to be able to do what I am passionate about for a living! Customers like you make it that much sweeter!