As Environmental Chairman for the Greater Lewisville Early Childhood PTA, I had an outing scheduled for today for the children to go on a nature scavenger hunt at the Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area (LLELA). I thought about cancelling it because it was 40 degrees outside which seemed a little cold to go on a nature walk with little children. But I talked to some of the moms who had signed up and many were still excited about going so I bundled Rachel all up and we headed out.
The scavenger hunt was awesome! Most of the children attending were in the range of 18 months - 4 years old and it was a great activity for this age group. We had laminated sheets with pictures of what we were supposed to find and dry erase markers to circle the items once we found them.
I love our trail guide because she "planted" some cool items along the trails in advance just so the children could find some really interesting items.
We found colorful leaves, animal burrows, coyote jaw bones, turkey feathers, turtle shells...
...deer antlers...
...coyote and raccoon tracks in the mud...
...evergreen trees.
We saw Lake Lewisville...
...and an original log cabin from the 1860s...
I'm so proud of our group of moms and kiddos. We spent about an hour and a half on our nature walk and had a great time despite the cold temperatures.
Even though Rachel spent the whole time in the stroller, she was worn out and fell asleep on the way home.
LLELA is open to the public on the weekends. You can hike on three trails, camp, canoe, picnic, birdwatch, or just enjoy spending time with nature.
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