Nicholas was proud to show off his baby sister to Grandmother. He even made sure that Grandmother used "magic soap" before holding her.
Throughout her stay, Grandmother was happy to cuddle with Rachel every chance she got. I love this sweet picture of the two of them together.
Of course, Grandmother also got to spend some fun time with Nicholas. The two of them walked to a park or around the neighborhood at least once a day.
They read the Dr. Seuss story, "Bartholomew and the Oobleck" then made Oobleck to play with. Nicholas went a bit heavy on the green food coloring and it stained his feet. How funny!
Nicholas got to carve a jack-o-lantern free hand. Pretty impressive for four!
Grandmother brought along a cool kit called Dino Egg. In it were three big "eggs", safety glasses, a chisel, and a hammer. Nicholas got to play archeologist and chisel his way into the eggs to find three different dinosaurs. Once the dinosaurs were unearthed, Grandmother and Nicholas painted them.
While they were working on their dinosaur excavation, Nicholas said, "Grandmother, next time you come to visit, please bring another one of these kits with you so Rachel can do it too."
They blew bubbles...
They played with the Magna Doodle and Tangrams...
They went to the Pumpkin Patch...
Nicholas even taught his grandmother how to play Lego Star Wars on XBox!
We are so grateful for the two grandparents who came to stay with us during the delivery and recovery time afterwards. Not only was it nice to have the company but they both helped to make Nicholas feel special while Stuart and I were distracted at the hospital with Rachel.
What a lucky family to have Grandparents come to visit & help! Although, it looks like Grandmother may have needed a big nap after all that activity. What fun! :)