Our Little Dancer's Year End Recital

Rachel loves taking dance classes.  She especially loves recital time because she gets her hair curled and she gets a new sparkly dance costume to wear.  Fortunately I had grabbed her curlers and costume when we were packing up to move into the hotel!

Daddy and Nicholas went to get a bouquet of flowers to give her after the recital while Rachel and I stayed in the hotel room getting her ready for the show.  She looks so grown up in this picture (well, except for the chocolate milk moustache!)

Daddy and his little princess walking into the building.

Rachel just loves being all dressed up.  She informed us that she is the most beautiful girl ever when she is wearing her costume.  I would have to agree but I don't think the costume is the reason.

Although Stuart bought me a new "tough" camera at Christmas, we were disappointed with the video quality and returned it.  Unfortunately, I haven't replaced it with something else so the only camera we have right now is the big D90 or our cell phones.  We recorded the dance with the D90 but it made for still pictures and has only a rudimentary video function which doesn't include auto focus!  It is quite a challenge to use so just bear with us.  I've ordered the professionally made DVD of the recital but here you can see the videos that we made.  

Here is Rachel's ballet dance... 

And her tap dance....

Don't forget the finale!  There are always lots of squeals when the curtains finally close :)

After the recital, Daddy gave Rachel a sweet bouquet of flowers.

After the recital, Rachel got to pick where we went for dinner.  She wanted crab legs at Joe's Crab Shack.  We don't usually eat there because it is kind of expensive but went since it was her special day.

She insisted on cracking the crab legs herself and she did a great job.  

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