Planet 316 Story Bible Review

Planet 316

Rachel received a beautifully illustrated story Bible from Planet 316 and Worthy Kids/Ideals for a review.  The book contains over 100 Bible stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament.  The stories are about 2-6 pages each.  But this is no ordinary book.  Pictures on every page can come to life with augmented reality by scanning the page with the Planet 316 app.  

What is augmented reality?  My husband describes it as the modern day pop-up.  When you look at the book through the app on a tablet or smart phone, computer images of the page literally "pop-up" on the screen.  They move, talk, and interact with each other!  It is truly amazing technology.  Rachel and I have both been fascinated with learning all about it with the Planet 316 story Bible and the companion Planet 316 Story Bible App

Planet 316 Story Bible and Bible App

You can purchase the book for about $14.99 on the Planet 316 website.  Then you need to download the Planet 316 app.  It is free and it is available on Google Play for Android as well as the Apple App Store for Apple devices.

Once you open the app, it will walk you through the three main steps for what you need to do next:

Rachel reads the story then she goes back and uses the Planet 316 app on my iPad to scan the pictures on the page in the book.  Below is a quick video to just give you an idea of how amazing the Planet 316 augmented reality app looks when you scan the book.  The images literally pop off the page and come to life!

I love that Planet 316 has created such a fun way for kids to learn about the Bible.  As a mom on the go, I also love that it can go with her just about anywhere.  Rachel usually reads her Planet 316 Story Bible at home but she also loves to have it when she is waiting for big brother's ice hockey game to start or for spending time in the waiting area at a doctor's office.  All she has to bring with her to the game is the book, my iPad, and some headphones. 

The storybook is recommended for ages 4-7.  However, I would have read this aloud to my children at a younger age and the app certainly would have kept their attention.  Rachel is 9 years old and while she is reading at a higher level than the text of this book, the app makes it so intriguing for her that she still enjoys reading it.  Also, I love that she has brought it with her to the park and shared it with her younger friends.  It makes it easy to share the stories of the Bible with others when there is such a fun and interactive way to tell the stories.

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