If I Live to Be 100

I read this poem on Hands Free Mama's blog and just had to share it:

If I Live to Be 100

If I live to be 100, it won’t be because I tidied up the house before I left each day.It will be because of the splendid mess I made while I was living life.

If I live to be 100, it won’t be because I arrived with every hair in place.It will be because I rolled down the windows, turned up the radio, and let the wind blow every glorious strand out of place.

If I live to be 100, it will not be because I logged endless hours at the office.It will be because I clocked countless hours laughing in good company.

If I live to be 100, it will not because I made quarterly financial investments into my bank account.It will be because I made daily emotional investments into my most sacred relationships.

If I live to be 100, it will not be because I separated myself from the sick and the weak.It will be because I walked right up to suffering and lovingly reached out my hand.

If I live to be 100, it will not be because I could accomplish more in one day than most people could in a week.It will because I took time to gaze at stars, watch sunsets, and walk beside my children, not ahead of them.

If I live to be 100, it will not be because I earned prestigious degrees that adorned my walls.It will be because I pursued the passions of my heart and decorated my soul.

If I live to be 100, it will not be because I used expensive efforts to prevent aging.It will be because I embraced my wrinkles, took a daily walk, and left all regrets in the past.

If I live to be 100, it will be because …I listened more than I spoke.I leaned in for kisses.I cried with those who cried.I recognized my blessings.I kept my promises.I made time for loving greetings and proper goodbyes.

If I live to be 100, it will be because I lived for today and hoped the best for tomorrow. 

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